First world problems in a third world country.

I know, I know, how can I complain when I'm lucky enough to be traveling the world?! We are so blessed to have the time and money to explore new countries, I totally get that. But you know how it goes - we always want what we can't have. People with straight hair want curly hair. People with light skin want dark skin. People with dysfunctional families want functional families. You catch my drift. 

We have been away from Wellington, our beautiful home, for 4 months now (112 days to be exact) and I'm REALLY feeling ready to settle down into our new home. I'm such a homebody, and I miss the security of having my own permanent space. I look back at our travel photos and I feel happy, blessed, and to be honest - a little overwhelmed at times too. But I'm at the point now where every few days when we each stuff our worldly possessions into one humongous backpack, hoist it onto our backs and walk down the numerous flights of stairs (no elevators on this side of the world!) to check out of our accommodation, I think to myself "I would like a wardrobe, with coat hangers!" Or "I would like to drink coffee that doesn't taste like muddy water, and I would like to make it myself!" Or "I would like to sit on a western toilet and stand under a western shower, rather than a handheld hosepipe with minimal pressure and no shower wall confines!"

I know, I know. Whine whine whine. Carry on with your white whines Sam. 

Ok, sure...
I miss my friends and their beautiful babies.
I miss eating healthy meals that I cook myself.
I miss cleaning. 
I miss drinking wine where I don't have to cringe and hold my breath to swallow it.
I miss routine in my life. 
I miss making decorative things for our home. 
I miss waking up, knowing that I get to hang out with a classroom of children all day.
I miss clean air to breathe. 
I miss sewing. 
I miss soft water in the taps. 
I miss feeling cold. 
I miss feeling healthy with silky hair and spot-free skin and a little less extra 'padding' on my body. 
I miss driving a car. 
I miss shopping in a supermarket. 
I miss going to the gym. 

Ok, with that all out there, I'm feeling a little better now. 

On Monday we fly back to Singapore (fly! No 15 hour overnight bus ride and long border crossings for us!) where we will spend 3 weeks of family time (and quite possibly get sent broke by the sky-high prices of everything!) before moving to Bangkok. I can almost guarantee that it's only a matter of time before I start complaining about the things I miss about traveling. Luckily, we will be in such a good spot, in terms of flitting off to new countries whenever we wish!

Thankfully in Bangkok, I will be able to do lots of the things I miss - cook, exercise, feel cold (I intend to turn the air-con on full-blast to experience this sensation), teach a classroom full of children, shop at the supermarket, have routine, clean, sew, craft. Unfortunately, though, it won't bring my friends and their babies any closer. Sad face. 

I have so, so much to be grateful for, I know this. But a little whinge and a moan every now and again never hurt anyone, no?

"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a challenge, meet it."
- Mother Teresa


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