adoption update
Well, first of all... it's been a year since I last blogged. That in itself is an indication of how life has been: non-stop, filled with work, a series of fighting for change in every spare moment I have, and very little else. This is a season of life, however, that I know I will never regret: fighting for world change, and fighting for family.
Many people have been asking me how our adoption process is going, which I appreciate, but it's a difficult question to answer. It's not easy for me to say, "still no real change," over and over, and to answer the subsequent "why?!" I don't often get into the logistics of it all because I'm usually met with something along the lines of, "that's so stupid! How could anyone stop people like you and Izzy adopting children?!" And I agree, 100%. On the other hand, there are laws because there are ill-intentioned people out there who really shouldn't be adopting children, and the laws are in place to protect those children, so while I believe that we are worthy and well-equipped parents, I'm glad that the process is difficult to sift out any potentially harmful adoptive parents. People have asked why we haven't given up on "an impossible process" and they question why we "don't just move home to NZ?" where we know that the process is completely doable.
There are two answers to that:
1) it's not impossible. Love can and will change the world.
2) we are home: Thailand is home, for now at least. (Never say never, right?)

As we all know: the New Zealand adoption laws are outdated. Any laws last amended in 1955 are due for reconsideration. I even got the New Zealand government to agree with me on that one. Here's another thing we all know: I'm not one to give up, especially not when love is involved.
In note form, here is an update of where we are at:
- PM Jacinda Ardern admitted in writing that there is a need to change the laws. She also said, however, that while it is needed and important, it is not on their current agenda, and she is unsure as to when it will be on their working agenda (this gave me the sense that it would be no time soon).
- our case was shifted to a new social worker here on the Thai side, and she seems so committed to seeing us become parents. She has given us two ideas of things that we can do next; they are long shots, but we are willing to try anything!
- our rock, Ilya, has continued to support us and research ways that we can make this work. He is one human being that shows up for us every single day and we are beyond thankful for him.
- I met someone from the NZ Embassy here in Bangkok at a recent memorial event for the Christchurch terrorist attack. I am hoping that she can connect me with someone in the embassy that will be in a position to help us. Watch this space!
- there is a new New Zealand Ambassador living here in Bangkok, and I have informed him of our situation. Fingers crossed for another person on our team!
- I have a new angle to contact the NZ Immigration department from, alongside our social worker. Again, watch this space!
and the most exciting part...
- after years of relentlessly pushing, questioning, fighting and prodding, I have finally had a commitment from Hon Andrew Little, the Minister of Justice in New Zealand (and the one minister that PM Jacinda Ardern keeps passing our emails on to, as he is the one Minister who can get the ball rolling) to start a reform of the adoption laws, wait for it....LATER THIS YEAR! You better believe that I will be all up in his email, checking on progress regularly.
Am I over the moon? Yes, ecstatic. Am I surprised? Not in the slightest. I knew, going into this, that I was going to create change. I knew because I am not someone who gives up on love, but I also knew because God is so much bigger than all of this: He's bigger than the outdated laws, He's bigger than the bureaucracy we've endured, He's bigger than the hundreds of obstacles that have stood, and continue to stand, in our way. He's bigger than all of it.
I can't wait until my blog posts are about our daughter (or better still, daughters!), although this fight to get there is also a very big part of their story 💗we love you already, and will continue to fight for you:, darling girl(s).

P.S. a question I often get asked is if we will adopt one of the children from the Camillian Home that I am often posting pictures of. The answer is no, as much as we adore these children, they are not up for adoption: they require 24 hour care and receive the very best care that can be offered to them right at the Camillian Home. If you are interested in donating to the Camillian Home, and the amazing work that they do, send me a quick message and I can set that up for you - 100% of your funds will go straight to the children.
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