The ramblings of my very full heart.

They say that travelling changes a person - that it makes or breaks relationships and that it changes your fundamental world views. Since I left the safe, comfortable and predictable confines of the beautiful wee country that I called home, I have changed. Or have I? Has my character merely been strengthened, enhanced and improved? Either way, there is one big difference - my heart. 

I've written blogposts about my heart before - about the amount of overwhelming love I hold inside. When I first created this blog, my intention was to fill it with my passions: crafting, DIY, teaching and baking. Well, it seems that my passions and life focuses have shifted somewhat, and my blog seems to be driven entirely by love.

I'm sitting here at the Camillian Home eating my breakfast, watching the children perform their daily ritual of raising the Thai flag while singing the national anthem, listening to the sounds of love and laughter wafting along the gentle morning breeze, with silent tears falling down my face. Tears are falling because my mind is so calm and my heart is so full. Everything in my life, at this very moment, is utterly perfect.

When I am feeling down, lost, or defeated, I like to listen to Erwin McManus' podcast "I Am Here." It occurred to me this morning that I haven't listened to that podcast since I was on an overnight bus on some of the deadliest roads I have travelled upon in Laos, with a dodgy stomach. So, for the sake of nostalgia, I tuned in to the very same podcast this morning and received a very different message. Isn't it funny how we only hear what we need to hear at that moment? The podcast focuses on 1st Kings chapter 18 - when Elijah confronts Ahab to make it rain, under the instruction of God. And although God has sent him, he asks him "Elijah, why are you here?" 

Why are you here? What a simple question, loaded with so much meaning. The reason for my tears: for the first time in my life, I have total clarity around why I am here; what my life purpose is. And you know what? My life purpose is so simple - I was sent to love.

"Go out into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people."       -Mother Teresa


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