Thailand, I love you.

There are days when I feel totally overwhelmed by love for this beautiful country. I step outside of my home at 6:30am and walk down the street to be greeted with smiles, waves, hello's, shoulder pats and escorted road crossings by all 'my usuals' on my 15 minute walk to school.

I walk through an Alms Ceremony every morning where Thai locals are offering food to monks, who subsequently pray over them for blessings. I see full blown-markets at every hour of the day. I see splashes of colour, everywhere. I see people working harder than hard to get their families by, just for one day. I see locals power-napping anywhere and everywhere - from hung hammocks to reclining across a number of motorbikes, to the hard ground, to behind shop counters. 

I can travel around the country with such ease. I can even relax on a beautiful island off the coast of Thailand for 4 days for less than $200 NZD, all costs and expenses included. 

I teach in a school that stretches and develops me, and my profession, in so many ways that I forget who I am some days. I spend my free time with children who are such blessings, they make me smile and cry all in the very same moment. 

I have met people who both inspire and love me everyday. I talk to my friends who find living in Thailand a challenge - they miss their homes, their partners who are not here with them, or they feel lonely. It is then that I realise my biggest blessing of all: I AM home here in Thailand. I have a beautiful husband living through this amazing adventure with me, every moment of everyday. Home is wherever I'm with him. 

"Life is beauty. Admire it." - Mother Teresa


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