A shameless plug.

As seems to be the pattern with me these days - it has been a very long time since I last blogged. More than three months, in fact. So many things come up on a daily basis that I think "ooh, I must blog about that" and then all of a sudden it's time for bed and my level of exhaustion far surpasses any ability to blog.

But there is one thing that has been on my mind day in and day out this year, especially over these past few weeks where I have spent majority of my time living and working with a group of people who truly make my heart glow with love, and sink with sorrow at the same time. 

So, here lives this post - a post centred around a home for children - both orphaned and from loving families, who are living with disabilities. The Camillian Home. A number of these children are living with HIV, some with physical disabilities, some with intellectual disabilities, and some with all three. Wandering around the home throughout the day you will see a wave of colour (everyone dresses to the colour scheme of the day); children helping each other - feeding, pushing wheelchairs, words of encouragement; a resident dog who naps and plays alongside the children; a garden planted, fed and nurtured by the children; a brand new playground and hydrotherapy pool; physical therapy; occupational therapy; hands-on activities like baking classes and art classes; a second-hand shop filled with donated goods and art pieces made by the children; meals eaten altogether; traditional celebrations. And there's one more thing that's plain to see in everything around you, but is best felt with the heart. There is love. Oh, there is so much love. When these children smile and laugh, I forget everything else in life - if only for a moment. 

I've always been a big believer in "all you need is love", and in this case it's there, we just need more of it. The staff are great - they care for the children's daily needs tirelessly, and work to make them comfortable and happy. But we need love in the way of volunteers - people who are willing and able to invest time, love and energy into helping these children to develop skills to function in the world beyond their loving home. We need volunteers who can take children off for outings, to plan and conduct hands-on activities, who can offer one-on-one support with their learning and with developing fine motor skills. We need people who are able to give generously of their love, kindness and patience to offer experiences to these sweet children above and beyond what is offered in their therapy on a daily basis. Sure, your financial support can offer assistance to these children and truly is greatly appreciated, but there really is no gift like your time, your energy and your love.

Whether you are passing through Bangkok for a month, or you are looking for something a little more long-term - a break from the grind of your everyday life, or you live here and are able to offer just one afternoon a week, look into volunteering at the Camillian Home. For full-time volunteers there is the option of living free-of-charge on-site in a dorm room with other volunteers, or in a private house a short walk down the road. The love you will receive from these children is one of the most powerful and moving feelings you will experience in this lifetime.

If you are interested in helping out these beautiful children in any way, visit their website or drop me a line. I am happy to put you in touch with the right people. There is a wonderful video on the homepage of their website that tells you a lot more information about the home: http://www.camillianhomelatkrabang.org/

Songkran blessings 2014. 

Songkran blessings 2014. 

Songkran pool party 2014.

Songkran dance party 2014

Sundown sweetness. 

Making muffins. 

Afternoon chats

Out for dinner and shopping with some of the children. 


Learning to shop at 7/11. 

Sensory play. 

"A life without love is a waste. 'Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?', don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in at the centre or you are out, yearning."
- Shamz Tabrizi


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